Duty & Tariff
Here at PJCO, we are always looking at ways to improve our client’s businesses, save them unnecessary costs and headaches and of course improve profits. We have teamed up with Trade Flow Customs Consultancy Ltd and believe that we are one of the first Brighton Accountants to be able to offer a complete VAT and Import Duty review for Import Businesses in Sussex.
Calculating Import Duty and choosing the correct tariff codes can be daunting for any Import business, particularly smaller importers or those businesses new to importing. Many importers simply leave this to their Freight Forwarders; however we believe we have a better option and on top of this, it is COMPLETELY FREE *
This service, normally only available to larger Importers is offered via an independent consultancy, Trade Flow Customs Consultancy Ltd, who have many years of experience reducing the cost of Importing for the client and dealing with HMRC over Import Duty.
They now offer a FREE Review service* for any import business in the Gatwick Diamond area including businesses in Brighton, Crawley and Worthing.
Trade Flow Consultancy is dedicated to reducing clients’ importation costs through the minimisation of import duty payments and RECOVERY of previously OVERPAID IMPORT DUTY on a NO WIN NO FEE basis whilst ensuring your business remains LEGALLY COMPLIANT.
“Keeping Trade flowing compliantly, efficiently and at the lowest cost”
What the Service offers:
An independent customs consultancy on your side dedicated to reducing your importation costs through the minimisation of import duty payments and recovery of overpaid import duty whilst ensuring legal compliance.
Services include:
- Customs “Opportunity and Optimisation Reviews” on a “no win no fee” basis *
- Compliance reviews and ongoing third-party auditing
- Assistance with HMRC International Trade audits, helpline advice and information services
- Obtaining Binding Tariff Rulings and Tariff Code Reviews
- Reviews and Appeals of Customs Decisions and Assessments
- Customs Procedures, Duty Suspensions and AEO
- Customs import/export Training
For further information or call 01273 441187
*Minimum Import Duty spend of £100,000 per annum normally required for FREE review service.
Do you want a bit more information ?…
- Customs “Opportunity and Optimisation Reviews”.
Our Opportunity and Optimisation Reviews allow us to understand your international supply chain and provide recommendations to reduce and potentially recover overpaid import duty and other levies. Reviews cover classification, trade preferences, valuation and customs procedures.
These popular reviews can often be undertaken on a completely contingent or “no win no fee” basis. Furthermore, where reclaims are possible we undertake the research /put together any reclaims, submit these to the Customs authority for their approval with almost no client input. We then liaise with the customs authorities should they have any questions.
- Compliance Reviews and Ongoing Third Party Auditing.
Compliance is equally important to our clients and we can also conduct compliance reviews alongside our Opportunity and Optimisation Reviews ensuring there is no under-declaration of duty and working with you to put things right.
We can also provide a review of your company’s import process and procedures.
In the UK we also offer a quarterly and annual audit of your import entry data.
- Assistance with HMRC International Trade Audits, Helpline Advice and Information Services.
We offer a range of advice, assistance and helpline packages which can be on a retainer or “one-off ”basis. Whether you are an importer who has the need for occasional or regular Duty advice, or a Legal or Accountancy practice which wants to have an expert duty resource at your disposal, we have a service to suit you. As a subscriber to any of our retainer services, you will also receive mail-outs advising you of changes in Customs legislation that may affect your business.
An HMRC International Trade visit can be daunting for any business – don’t worry help is at hand – hit the button for us to contact you.
- Binding Tariff Rulings and Tariff Code Reviews.
The Customs authorities of many countries around the World including EU countries, Switzerland and the USA will provide binding rulings or binding letters establishing the classification of a product prior to import. These rulings usually last for a number of years and are binding. An EU BTI is binding for 6 years on all 28 Member States’ Customs authorities. If the good is complex and /or several tariff codes could potentially apply it is important to make a good case for a binding ruling justifying one’s proposed tariff code. We use the rules of classification, binding rulings already in force, legal and regulation precedent and applicable Explanatory Notes such as the HSEN and CNEN to put together a ruling for clients.
Where clients have many tariff codes in use, binding rulings would not be practical and we can provide a review of import classifications based on our extensive classification experience. Where companies operate in a number of jurisdictions there can often be quite different classifications applied locally. We can help align such databases.
- Reviews and Appeals of Customs Decisions and Assessments.
Whenever HMRC gives a decision or issues an assessment you almost always have the right to appeal. Whether the decision is the classification of your product set out in a BTI (Binding Tariff Ruling) or a Post Clearance Demand Note (C18) we can help draft a letter of review or provide assistance with a First Tier Tribunal.
- Customs Procedures, Duty Suspensions and AEO.
In a supply chain, however complex, import duty should only be paid once and even then importers can usually legally delay, reduce or remove liability for import duty.
- Customs Procedures are essential to ensure duty is only paid once in a supply chain:
- Customs Warehousing
- IPR (Inward Processing Relief)
- OPR (Outward Processing Relief)
- PCC (Processing under Customs Control)
Duty Suspensions can provide duty-free access for your raw materials not available in the EU. There are two applications per year.
- Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
This “badge” allows businesses to show that they meet certain standards of Customs competence and security and beneficial in applying for Customs procedures above. However, there has been relatively little uptake in the UK so far but AEO is becoming more popular as more benefits are forthcoming.
Talk to us about what help we can provide at all stages of feasibility, application process, implementation and on-going management as required for all of the above.
- Customs import/export training.
Training for members of the finance team, NPD team, buyers and customs/logistics teams can be provided specifically tailored to your products, procedures and issues. Many parts of your business could benefit from knowing the duty rate implications of often simple design changes or choice of source country.
If this is of interest to you or your business then please hit the tab and we will contact you straight back.
Alternatively call 01273 441187