Landlords & Property
The Buy-to-Let market has increased dramatically over the last few years and in more recent times the Government have sort to extract extra tax from Landlords.
Whether you are an individual with one buy-to-let flat let through a letting agent, or have a large portfolio of properties that you self-manage, here at PJCO we can help you.
Many small and micro business owners invest in Buy to Let Property with a view to building long term wealth.
We have a specialist team of Property tax experts to help you decide on the right business structure for your property investment, whether this be owning in your own name, owning as joint tenants or tenants in common, owning via a BTL Limited Company or a Family Investment company, or even owning property inside a pension scheme.
We can analysis your specific circumstances and come up with a bespoke plan to help you grow your property investments by:
- choosing the right business structure for you
- explaining the tax consequences
- minimising the tax liabilities associated with property ownership
- organising your financial records so that you meet all of Companies House & HMRC’s requirements
- Providing Return on Investment (ROI) reports
If you have failed or forgotten to declare property income, then HMRC will sooner or later catch up with you. In a digital age, it is not difficult for HMRC to find you. It will inevitably be better to come clean to HMRC rather than them find you, so of you want get your affairs in order, then speak to us. We will not judge you, but we can help you get your affairs in order via the “Let Property Campaign”.
Our Let Property campaign service offers a Fixed Rate costing based on the number of properties and number of years of non compliance, where we will submit a Let Property Campaign disclosure to HMRC on your behalf, calculate your tax liabilities, interest and penalties and submit and agree the figures with HMRC, often with you never needing to speak to HMRC. You will, of course, have to pay your tax liabilities, but we can help you with payment plan.
It is nowhere near as painful as you might imagine, just book a free discovery call with us via our home page to get the ball rolling.
As specialists in the provision of cloud services to landlords with property portfolios, we have developed a business suite that helps you to run your portfolio with the least effort and administration:
- Profit and loss by property.
- Managing monthly rental payments and arrears quickly and effectively.
- Return on investment analysis.
- Automated and paperless information system.
- Quick, easy and competitive mortgage advise.
- QuickBooks Online.
Our trained cloud integration team will be with you every step of the way as you take your business into the future.