Private Residence Relief (PRR) is designed to keep out of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) those gains or losses that arise when a person sells or otherwise disposes of a dwelling that has been used as their only or main residence. In the 2018 budget, the government announced the following changes: the final period exemption will…Read More
If you have been skilful or lucky enough to build a business and now think it’s time to pack up or sell, Entrepreneur’s Relief could be the answer for you. While there is more to cover than in this blog, this should give you a beginner’s guide to the Entrepreneur’s Relief. Why use it? On…Read More
Selling of residential property and the implications of Capital Gains Tax Selling a property and the associated tax implications can seem very daunting to many homeowners, however, the aim of this blog will be to simplify and explain the most common type of reliefs and deductions available to help you better understand your possible capital…Read More
IR35 is the off-payroll working rules for clients, workers and their intermediaries. The legislation was designed to assess whether a subcontractor is actually acting as a subcontractor, or whether they are a ‘disguised employee’. By establishing this, HMRC can then ensure tax avoidance is not happening. Current legislation Under the current IR35 rules, the off-payroll…Read More
Accounting for VAT on goods and services provided by registered health professionals, including doctors, dentists, and physiotherapists might not be as straight forward as you initially thought, particularly where the business is operating as a Limited Company and there are workers providing medical care. A ‘health professional’, is accepted by HMRC to mean the following…Read More
VAT reverse charge on building and construction services Now is the time to prepare your CIS registered clients for this change. VAT reverse charge comes into effect on 1 October 2019. It is a major change to the way VAT is collected in the building and construction industry. From this date, the customer receiving the service…Read More
Save on Inheritance Tax by making pension payments into a Self-Investment Pension Plan (SIPP) Funds held in a Self-Investment Pension Plan (SIPP) on the death of the member may be transferred to the ‘nominated beneficiaries’. The member should complete an ‘expression of wish’ form for each pension plan stating to whom they wish the benefit to…Read More
Tax Relief Tax relief means that the amount you spend on certain expenses is deducted from your total income. This effectively reduces your taxable income and therefore the tax you will have to pay. In some cases, such as pension contributions, it may mean that you get tax back in another way; some reliefs are…Read More
Gift aid is a UK tax incentive that enables registered charities to reclaim the tax element of donations made by a UK taxpayer, which effectively increases the total amount of the donation. Charities are able to claim back Basic rate tax of 20% on any donation you make which equates to an extra 25p for…Read More
A director’s current or loan account is a way for directors to essentially lend money to or borrow money from their company. The director’s loan account (DLA) is, in essence, a record of all transactions that occur between the company and its directors. 1) Loaning money to a company: Director’s loan accounts are a usual…Read More
The personal savings allowance (PSA) was introduced on the 6th of April 2016. Depending on your income, the PSA allows you to get up to £1,000 of interest tax free. The introduction of the PSA has resulted in the majority of people in the UK with income from savings no longer paying tax on this…Read More
Company cars are a great way for businesses to reward staff as a benefit on top of their salary, unfortunately, HMRC is aware of this and levies tax on the perk, this is referred to as a Benefit-in-Kind (BIK) as the car is seen as an additional taxable benefit. The amount of tax you pay…Read More
Inheritance and the associated tax implications may not be something that you are familiar with or concerned with yet, however with careful planning there are ways of ensuring that the tax payable on possessions passed on to your beneficiaries are minimised. Under current legislation, Inheritance Tax (IHT) is payable on the total value of your…Read More
Wearing a work uniform may not be seen as a benefit – but you can gain Tax relief from it! HMRC give you the opportunity to claim up to 4 years’ worth of uniform allowance. What is classified as a uniform? ‘A uniform is a set of specialised clothing that’s recognisable as identifying someone as…Read More
Previously, 100% of finance costs have been allowable for tax relief, however, new restrictions on finance costs mean that landlords are no longer allowed to deduct all of their finance costs from their rental income to calculate their property profits. The restrictions are being gradually phased in, beginning in the 2017 to 2018 tax year…Read More