Trivial Benefits

A Father’s Day tax exemption  With Father’s Day fast approaching, the trivial benefits exemption could be a tax-efficient way to treat your dad if he is an employee or director of your company.  Expenses or gifts, provided by employers, to employees or directors may not need reporting to HMRC if they meet all these requirements:  Does not exceed £50   Is…Read More

VAT margin schemes

The VAT Margin scheme is when you charge your customers VAT on your sales, without incurringunfair VAT liabilities on the sales that are eligible for a margin scheme. This is because HMRC hasintroduced a fairer way to declare the VAT on sales for businesses that do not incur VAT on theirpurchases. How it works Usually,…Read More

COVID Support Update

After a backlash from the public that the proposed support for the coming months was too frugal, the Chancellor updated the future support schemes for businesses, employees and the self-employed. Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension Two further grants covering the periods November 2020 to January 2021 and February 2020 to April 2021 were announced…Read More

Rollover relief

Replacement of business asset relief Rollover relief (ROR) allows the gain arising on the disposal of a qualifying business asset to be rolled over (i.e deferred) when the sale proceeds are reinvested in a qualifying replacement asset within a qualifying time period. This relief is both available to individuals and companies. For individuals   The…Read More

George W. Bush

In the corporate world, sometimes things aren’t exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures.

George W. Bush