CIBLS Loan Deadline

Act now: Why you should secure a CBILS before it’s too late The deadline to apply for the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), is approaching once more – and this time it seems to be final. Businesses have until 31 March 2021 to start their application. 2021 is still looking extremely challenging for businesses,…Read More

Bounce Back Loans (BBL) – 2.0

For many companies, the bounce back loan has been a saviour, getting them through the tough times of multiple lockdowns with a cheap, currently interest-free loan of up to £50K. If you have been hiding away from the news, preoccupied or are just now thinking that it would be beneficial to have that cash to fall back…Read More

Funding for Adur and Worthing Business

Extra funding of up to £9,000 is now available for businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors via Adur & Worthing Council. Businesses eligible for the latest top-up funding announced by the Chancellor in early January can now register via the councils’ online portals. The funding is part of a range of support available…Read More

The Winter Economic Plan

Extra Help for Small Business Owners Here are 5 extra support offerings for small business owners announced on 24th September 2020 The Government has extended the 15% VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality sectors to the end of March next year. Businesses who deferred their VAT between March & June 2020 will no longer…Read More

The end of Furlough?

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – The End of Furlough? On the 29th of May, the chancellor announced some major new updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to help get businesses back on their feet and employees back to work. Here we outline the latest changes and highlight what you need to know. Deadline…Read More

Cash Flow

Look after your cash flow and it will look after your business More so now than ever, cash is extremely important to the success of your business. As we slowly come out of COVID 19, it will be vital to make sure you are making the most of your cash reserves, support loans and managing…Read More

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – The Important Facts

The HMRC Job Retention Scheme Portal has been live for nearly two weeks now and the first applicants have started receiving payments. But with furloughing being such a new concept and the many updates to the guidance from the government, it can be difficult to understand. Here we look at the most important points. What…Read More

Stock Transfers during COVID-19

How to complete a stock transfer form and get it processed, including new measures put in place because of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to measures put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) HMRC have temporarily changed the way they deal with Stamp Duty. You should not post stock transfer forms to HMRC –…Read More

Support for Self-Employed COVID-19

On Thursday evening, Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the eagerly awaited government aid plans for the self-employed in the UK. The scheme looks to mirror the current support offered to the employed by offering an 80% guarantee on income up to £2,500 per month (dependant on conditions). How much will I get? Much like the scheme…Read More

What Financial Support is Available for businesses during the COVID-19 Outbreak?

With the vast majority of the country practising ‘social isolation’ during the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we are seeing that more money is remaining in pockets and out of the cash flow of small businesses. We look at some of the solutions available to help businesses protect themselves through this potentially difficult time financially. Government…Read More

Student Loans

Many of you may have been to university and fear the day that Student Finance will come knocking at your door, asking you to repay that rather hefty student loan. This blog will aim to target the most common questions that we are asked regarding student loans and will concentrate on students that studied in…Read More

Director’s loan accounts (DLA):

A director’s current or loan account is a way for directors to essentially lend money to or borrow money from their company. The director’s loan account (DLA) is, in essence, a record of all transactions that occur between the company and its directors. 1) Loaning money to a company: Director’s loan accounts are a usual…Read More

Benjamin Franklin

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.

Benjamin Franklin