Work Experience with PJCO

I’ve had the honour to spend the last few days taking part in work experience at PJCO and have learnt so much from so many amazing characters in such a short time. Before arriving, I had very little idea what an accountant did or how an accountancy firm would operate. I’ve gained so much knowledge on finance, tax, national insurance, marketing and advertisement, software, and…Read More

Student Loans

Many of you may have been to university and fear the day that Student Finance will come knocking at your door, asking you to repay that rather hefty student loan. This blog will aim to target the most common questions that we are asked regarding student loans and will concentrate on students that studied in…Read More

Accounting after university

Have you recently left university, and are you wondering if an accountancy career is for you? As a graduate looking to get your first job in accountancy, it is important to first evaluate whether you are willing to put in the work and dedicate another 3 years of your life to studying. Whether it be…Read More

Finding the light at the end of the ‘post-graduation tunnel’

Graduating is no easy thing. You think you’ve done the hard work already, studying for the exams, writing the dissertation, cooking for yourself for three years with no parent around to help… the majority of students think that actually graduating is the easy bit. You put on the cap and gown and celebrate your success,…Read More

Elvis Presley

I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.

Elvis Presley