How to write off Bad Debts within QuickBooks Online (QBO)

Bad debt(s) will mean that a customer owes you money, however for some reason you are unable to collect it. Within QBO, this will result in you having a debt owed to you which you know you aren’t going to get paid for. To write this balance, or ‘bad debt’ off, the remaining balance will…Read More

Dext mobile app

Uploading documents Due to technology constantly changing, companies need to find new ways to adapt against their competition. One way Dext have achieved this is with their mobile app. It is available on IOS and Android and you can download it from the app store or from an invitation via text or email. Once you…Read More

Dext – Invoice fetch

Dext has a feature where partnered suppliers can send any invoices and receipts straight to Dext, rather than you needing to log into each website and manually find and upload them. Dext Prepare will automatically check each of your authorised suppliers once a week and add any new documentation straight to the inbox. This is…Read More

Dext Commerce and QuickBooks

Dext recently acquired Greenback to launch their third product on the Dext platform, Dext Commerce, an app that formats information from sales platforms and standardises it ready for processing through to QuickBooks Online. Dext already had Dext Prepare in place, originally a place purely for expense receipts, now with Commerce, they are reaching further into…Read More

Tax implications of a garden office

Tax implications of building a garden office on the company and director A garden office is a popular alternative to converting home space into a home office. Whether the garden office is built before you move in or is built yourself after you move in, the tax implications are the same. The building The building…Read More

The Fifth SEISS Grant

The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. The fifth SEISS grant can be claimed if you think that your business profits will be impacted by Covid-19 between 1st May 2021 and 30th September 2021.There are three stages of…Read More

Rent a Room Relief

Deciding whether to rent a room in your home and wondering what the most tax efficient way to go about this is? The ‘Rent-A-Room’ relief scheme is a tax exemption scheme, where, as a property owner you are able to let out a room in your home for up to £7,500 a year and this…Read More

Incorporating a Limited Company

The benefits of Incorporation If you’re currently a sole trader and your annual profits are high, it might be time to think about incorporating your company. Incorporating your sole trade into a limited company comes with many benefits as well as being an efficient way to save you money on tax each year.As you’ll know,…Read More

Care relief

Qualifying care relief  Carers typically receive income from various sources for looking after children and adults who are placed under their care – this income needs to be declared to HMRC via a self-assessment tax return.  However, carers can claim what is known as qualifying care relief whereby the payments they receive for the children placed in their care are not taxable, up to a certain amount. …Read More

First-year allowances

Capital allowances are claimed on assets as a form of tax relief. Full first-year allowance (FYA) is a type of allowance on certain assets that allows you to claim tax relief on the full cost of the asset in the year of purchase. So how does it work? When you purchase an asset that qualifies…Read More

Self-Assessment- Less than 1 month to go!

With the 31st January self-assessment deadline looming, now might be a good time to finally get around to preparing and submitting to HMRC! Here we will discuss:  Who needs to file a tax return  What you need to include  What happens if you are not registered but need to file  Late filings & penalties  How to…Read More

60% Pensions relief

Since 6th April 2010, high-income individuals (earnings between £100,000 and £125,000) have been required to forfeit their personal allowance by £1 for every £2 of income earned above £100,000. This means that once an individual’s adjusted net income is above £125,000, the personal allowance of £12,500 (19/20) will have been reduced to nil. Does this…Read More

The Furlough Scheme Extension

As of the 5th November 2020, the UK Governments Furlough Scheme has been extended further by 5 months. Therefore, the new projected end date for the scheme is the 31st March 2021. And not to worry if you have not applied for this scheme previously, it is now available for new applicants. There is now…Read More

SEISS Extension

The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme Grant Extension The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was first introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. The SEISS has now been extended to cover two further grants, each covering a three-month period with the first grant covering November 2020…Read More

Working from home allowance

We suspect that many of you have been working from home over the last few months due to obvious reasons. Did you know however that by working from home you can save money in tax? HMRC have a scheme in place which helps you cover the seemingly higher costs of working from home such as…Read More

Robert Kiyosaki

The word accounting comes from the word accountability. If you are going to be rich, you need to be accountable for your money.

Robert Kiyosaki