The Fifth SEISS Grant

The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. The fifth SEISS grant can be claimed if you think that your business profits will be impacted by Covid-19 between 1st May 2021 and 30th September 2021.There are three stages of…Read More

SEISS the Fourth Grant

The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) Fourth Grant The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. Will I be able to claim? The SEISS fourth grant will be available to those that are self-employed or members of a partnership.…Read More

SEISS Extension

The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme Grant Extension The Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was first introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. The SEISS has now been extended to cover two further grants, each covering a three-month period with the first grant covering November 2020…Read More

The Winter Economic Plan

Extra Help for Small Business Owners Here are 5 extra support offerings for small business owners announced on 24th September 2020 The Government has extended the 15% VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality sectors to the end of March next year. Businesses who deferred their VAT between March & June 2020 will no longer…Read More

SEISS-The second Grant

The Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was first introduced to assist sole traders and those in a partnership who had been adversely affected by Covid-19. The scheme offered a grant worth 80% of average monthly trading profits for a three month period, paid in a single instalment and capped at a total of £7,500.…Read More

George W. Bush

In the corporate world, sometimes things aren’t exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures.

George W. Bush