Dext mobile app

Uploading documents Due to technology constantly changing, companies need to find new ways to adapt against their competition. One way Dext have achieved this is with their mobile app. It is available on IOS and Android and you can download it from the app store or from an invitation via text or email. Once you…Read More

Dext – Invoice fetch

Dext has a feature where partnered suppliers can send any invoices and receipts straight to Dext, rather than you needing to log into each website and manually find and upload them. Dext Prepare will automatically check each of your authorised suppliers once a week and add any new documentation straight to the inbox. This is…Read More

Quickbooks: Banking Tab Updates

Some Quickbooks users may have noticed that over the last couple of months that the banking tab is looking a little different. There have been a few changes to help make managing transactions even easier.As well as some obvious cosmetic differences, there are a few new features that you may have missed: 1. Simplification of…Read More

George W. Bush

In the corporate world, sometimes things aren’t exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures.

George W. Bush