If your company is in the construction industry, you may like to track all income produced by individual jobs. However, this can be quite hard to do – especially if there is more than one job corresponding to a client. Perhaps you would like to keep on top of purchases made to complete jobs? If…Read More
The day of the red briefcase, budget day is just around the corner. Set to be unveiled on 11th March, provided the reshuffle doesn’t delay proceedings, here is a look ahead at what we might be able to expect: Entrepreneur’s relief (Bad news for successful business owners) With the Tories promising to review Entrepreneur’s relief,…Read More
As an Employer, it’s been a long and uncertain 3 years for the UK and Brexit and especially for members of your team who are EU nationals living and working in the UK. From a business perspective, this uncertainty could have a very negative impact on your business if retaining EU national staff, and recruiting…Read More
Understanding Open Banking Customers are normally required to grant consent to let the bank allow such access, such as checking a box on a terms-of-service screen in an online app. Uses might include comparing the customer’s accounts and transaction history to a range of financial service options, aggregating data across participating financial institutions and customers…Read More
‘Dependent relative’ is defined as any relative who is unable to look after himself or herself. Dependent relative relief only applies on a property used by the relative before 5 April 1988, providing that this was the main residence of the relative. Should there have been a change of occupant after 5 April 1988 the…Read More
Many of you may have been to university and fear the day that Student Finance will come knocking at your door, asking you to repay that rather hefty student loan. This blog will aim to target the most common questions that we are asked regarding student loans and will concentrate on students that studied in…Read More
Graduating is no easy thing. You think you’ve done the hard work already, studying for the exams, writing the dissertation, cooking for yourself for three years with no parent around to help… the majority of students think that actually graduating is the easy bit. You put on the cap and gown and celebrate your success,…Read More
Does your mother work for you? The trivial benefit exemption could be a tax-efficient way to treat your mother this Mother’s day – 31st March 2019. What qualifies as a trivial benefit? Employers that provide a gift or expense to their employee or director, under a statutory exemption. All of the conditions below have to…Read More
What should I consider when making a pension contribution? Annual Allowance There is a limit to the amount that can be contributed to your pension each year while still receiving tax relief. This limit is known as the ‘Annual Allowance’ and is capped at £40,000. The annual allowance applies to all schemes you belong to…Read More
When your parents or grandparents have to move into a care home the dilemma for many families is how they are to afford the fees that such a requirement dictates. Rent One of the most common answers to this dilemma is to rent out the residential property that their loved one has moved away from.…Read More
The homeworking allowance allows you to claim back certain expenses to cover the costs incurred when working from your home. These include: Room space Gas and Electricity Phone Bills Exempt expenses would include anything that is for personal use. Method 1 – Apportion actual costs As a self-employed individual working from home, you can choose…Read More