Approval automation for QuickBooks Online

ApprovalMax is a tool that extends the online accounting platform QuickBooks Online with approval-driven financial controls. It replaces paper- and email-based approvals with fully automated multi-role and multi-tiered approval workflows, and ensures spend control and regulatory compliance for both internal accounting and financial service outsourcing organisations.
Protect your data
It is possible to perform approvals directly in QuickBooks Online, but that only makes sense for very small organisations without any external stakeholders. The more people you have in the process, the more complex and less safe it becomes. With ApprovalMax, the approval process is performed safely from outside of the general ledger, and approvers only see the financial information related to their responsibility.
Streamline the approval workflow
No matter how complex approval workflow your client might have, it can be easily set up in ApprovalMax. After the initial setup, it runs like clockwork, with the intuitive user interface, automated notifications, and the mobile app for approvers and purchase order requesters.
ApprovalMax facilitates easy practice to client collaboration and enhances provisioning of all kinds of outsourced financial services ranging from compliance to advisory in various industries. Clutter-free, fully digital accounting with the relevant data available in the online system of records enables automated approval task handover even in geographically distributed or remote teams.
Benefit from automated audit trails and decision traceability
ApprovalMax enables process efficiency and expenses transparency in your organisation with the automated audit reports. Once the final approval has been collected, a detailed audit report is created automatically to enable the tracking of all key approval decisions. These reports are readily available at any given time, making audit preparations a breeze.
ApprovalMax offers a free 30-day trial version. Get your hands on it today and see the difference for yourself!

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