Dext mobile app

Uploading documents Due to technology constantly changing, companies need to find new ways to adapt against their competition. One way Dext have achieved this is with their mobile app. It is available on IOS and Android and you can download it from the app store or from an invitation via text or email. Once you…Read More

Allowable Business Expenses

As we approach the end of lockdown and life starts to return to normal, so does our work life. With an increase in business meetings, travel, and staff returning to the office full time, it’s important to remember which expenses are allowable for tax purposes and which are not. More business meetings could mean clocking up…Read More

Paying your deferred VAT

If you took the opportunity to defer your vat payment between March and June 2020, then you must act before 21st June 2021 to either pay in full or set up a payment plan with HMRC otherwise you will incur 5% penalty. Last year at the start of the covid pandemic, the government allowed businesses…Read More

Cross Border VAT- Goods Leaving the UK

International goods From 1st January 2021 all goods leaving the UK will be a zero-rated export. If you use QuickBooks to keep your records, the VAT code to use is 0.00% Z – Zero rate VAT. It is expected that the customer will be the importer of record in the destination country and therefore the…Read More

Using Tags in QuickBooks

In QuickBooks Online, transactions can be tracked using a new feature called “Tags” Tags are personalised labels that allow you to track how your money is being used. These tags can be added to transactions such as invoices, expenses, and bills to help you analyse where your money is being spent. If this feature doesn’t…Read More

COVID Support Update

After a backlash from the public that the proposed support for the coming months was too frugal, the Chancellor updated the future support schemes for businesses, employees and the self-employed. Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension Two further grants covering the periods November 2020 to January 2021 and February 2020 to April 2021 were announced…Read More

Quickbooks: Banking Tab Updates

Some Quickbooks users may have noticed that over the last couple of months that the banking tab is looking a little different. There have been a few changes to help make managing transactions even easier.As well as some obvious cosmetic differences, there are a few new features that you may have missed: 1. Simplification of…Read More

Work Experience with PJCO

I’ve had the honour to spend the last few days taking part in work experience at PJCO and have learnt so much from so many amazing characters in such a short time. Before arriving, I had very little idea what an accountant did or how an accountancy firm would operate. I’ve gained so much knowledge on finance, tax, national insurance, marketing and advertisement, software, and…Read More

Flexible Furlough For Directors

Up until now, company directors have been able to furlough themselves and carry on doing their director duties, provided they are doing no income-generating activities. This is still the case, however, with the introduction of a new phase of the furlough scheme, they may wish to consider the option of ‘Flexible Furlough’. Here we explain…Read More

Benjamin Franklin

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.

Benjamin Franklin