VAT Retail Schemes

VAT retail schemes can help make calculating your VAT easier by calculating your VAT once with each VAT return rather than for each sale you make. For goods sold that are inclusive of VAT, you deduct the VAT you must record. Whereas for goods that are sold exclusive of VAT you must add the VAT…Read More

Paying your deferred VAT

If you took the opportunity to defer your vat payment between March and June 2020, then you must act before 21st June 2021 to either pay in full or set up a payment plan with HMRC otherwise you will incur 5% penalty. Last year at the start of the covid pandemic, the government allowed businesses…Read More

VAT margin schemes

The VAT Margin scheme is when you charge your customers VAT on your sales, without incurringunfair VAT liabilities on the sales that are eligible for a margin scheme. This is because HMRC hasintroduced a fairer way to declare the VAT on sales for businesses that do not incur VAT on theirpurchases. How it works Usually,…Read More

Self-Assessment- Less than 1 month to go!

With the 31st January self-assessment deadline looming, now might be a good time to finally get around to preparing and submitting to HMRC! Here we will discuss:  Who needs to file a tax return  What you need to include  What happens if you are not registered but need to file  Late filings & penalties  How to…Read More

Cross Border VAT- Goods Leaving the UK

International goods From 1st January 2021 all goods leaving the UK will be a zero-rated export. If you use QuickBooks to keep your records, the VAT code to use is 0.00% Z – Zero rate VAT. It is expected that the customer will be the importer of record in the destination country and therefore the…Read More

HMRC account set up for Capital Gains Tax

We will talk you through how to set up your HMRC account, so you are ready to submit your capital gains liability to HMRC. There have been some changes to the rules since 6th April 2020- individuals who are due to pay capital gains tax on UK residential property disposals have 30 days after the…Read More

The Winter Economic Plan

Extra Help for Small Business Owners Here are 5 extra support offerings for small business owners announced on 24th September 2020 The Government has extended the 15% VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality sectors to the end of March next year. Businesses who deferred their VAT between March & June 2020 will no longer…Read More

The next step for MTD

It’s a digital world – The next step for MTD We have already had the first big move in Making Tax Digital, with the transition of nearly all VAT registered companies with a turnover of over £85,000 being forced onto digital software such as QuickBooks or being made to use bridging software, keeping an online…Read More

VAT changes

What has happened? On the 8th July 2020, the UK government announced that it would be introducing a temporary reduction in the rate of VAT for certain supplies of hospitality, holiday & hotel accommodation and admissions to certain attractions. They will be slicing the rate of VAT payable from the normal standard rate of 20%…Read More

Restarting your deferred VAT in seconds!

As you might have seen, HMRC has now ended their deferral of VAT payments and as such, you may now wish to reinstate your direct debit payments. Unfortunately, HMRC has removed the ability for us to set this up on your behalf, however, it is relatively straightforward for you to do now. Firstly, you will…Read More

Benjamin Franklin

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.

Benjamin Franklin